NeoResearch logo

NeoResearch has been looking for redesigning its logo, in order to improve and harmonize it in accordance with better designing standards. In a first moment, different members of NEO design Discord channel suggested some innovative designs. Thus, everyone was invited to share ideas and inspirations for the new logo. Around 29th November we have decided about our definetive logo.

However, any designer should fell to PR their ideas and contributions. The steps that should e followed for the inclusion of logo proposals in this repository are:

  1. Clone this repository (or directly use the GitHub Pull Request system);
  2. Create a folder inside logo with the name of your *logo-title*;
  3. Include a with:
    • Authors;
    • Logo inspiration;
    • New reward address (nice insights might receive some rewards);
    • License should be MIT or equivalent.
  4. Include any logo format you want, such as .svg format + other ones (.jpeg; .png);

NeoResearch, 2018.