NGD Researcher in Brazil
NeoResearch Team are receiving in Brazil the NEO Global Development Shanghai Researcher, Wang Yong Qiang. During his stay in Minas Gerais/Brazil, he had the opportunity to gave an speach for two different Federal Universities in Brazil organized by two Professor and Thays Aparecida de Oliveira - NeoResearch Marketing and Media Manager, with more details bellow.
Meetups: Blockchain, Ledgers and Smart Contracts.
Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei (UFSJ)
The first Speaker it was at the Universidade Federal São João del-Rei (UFSJ) at 13th November 2019 asisted by the Prof. Dr. Bruno Nazário Coelho from Technology Department and Thays Aparecida de Oliveira - NeoResearch Marketing and Media Manager.
During 2 hours, Wang Yong Qiang and Vitor Nazário Coelho, from NeoResearch, conducted a speech talking about introductions about Blockchain, Ledgers e Smart Contracts. Vitor also presented a video explaining about Consensus.
At the end of the lecture, questions were opened to the public, where it was possible to see the interest and interact with the participants.
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP)
The second Meetup was the Flash Blockchain Meeup @UFOP at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) at 19th November 2019 with the support of the Prof. Dr. Agnaldo José da Rocha Reis from the Department of Control and Automation Engineering. The topics covered were:
- Introduction of Blockchain and some formal aspects of cryptography;
- Distributed ledgers;
- Hardware wallets;
- WePay and AliPay & Payments;
- Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Blockchain (Internet-of-Value (IoV).
Vitor Nazário Coelho and Wang Yong Qiang once again conducted the presentation very well, the audience showed interest and asked questions at the end.
Both meetups brought together several university students, professors and researchers interested in the subject.